CTAC19 is just around the corner and PTI has released its Edition 84, with this piece highlighting four key papers from the edition from speakers that will feature at CTAC.
Edition 84 carries the same theme as CTAC ‘Delivering Performance’.
Dr Yvo Saanen, who recently discussed container terminal automation in a series of video interview with PTI, features in the edition and at CTAC, and will moderate the ‘Leaders Make Your Case: Why Automation is Still the Key” session on day one.
His technical paper, entitled ‘Human-Machine Interfaces: The Key to Productivity?’ which he co-authored with TBA’s Azadeh Shirzad, looks at the challenges faced by control room operators and how intuitive system-user interfaces can help overcome irregularities.
Download ‘Human-Machine Interfaces: The Key to Productivity? here
That very same session will include Rich Ceci, Senior Vice President of Technology and Projects at Virginia International Terminals, who will demonstrate his wealth of experience in implementing huge IT overhauls at several terminal operators.
Ceci is sure to be one of the most thought-provoking participants at CTAC19. His technical paper for Edition 84, ‘Terminal Automation: The Good, The Bad, The Future’ is just as interesting.
It forensically dissects the automation debate, putting forward the benefits, such as it being cost-effective, while answering the criticisms, such as the time it can take to see significant return on investment.
#CTAC19 “#Terminals will evolve, but the winning solution will not change.” #Speaker Rich Ceci, Virgina #International Terminals#Learn more here: https://t.co/NH4e238bbs pic.twitter.com/K46u1KDuAa
— Port Technology (PTI) (@PortTechnology) April 9, 2019
In doing so, Ceci also touches on what might affect the implementation of automation in the future and how the role of autonomous vehicles will help shape the industry in the years to come, and how we will all have to adapt in order for it to be successful.
Download ‘Terminal Automation: The Good, The Bad, The Future’ here
Sannen and Ceci’s session on automation will be immediately followed by ‘M2M, V2VV & V2X: Communication is the Future’ which will include a talk by INFORM’s Dr Eva Savelsberg on how IoT-powered technologies can cut costs and improve visibility.
Edition 84 will be notable because it will include a review of the second half of the sci-fi novella, ‘2038: A Smart Port Story’, which was written exclusively for PTI by Savelsberg and her INFORM colleague Matthew Wittemeier.
The dialogue INFORM has released also comes with a new teaser image… #PTIDaily #SmartPort #Story @inform_software https://t.co/jxoWifRUGQ
— Port Technology (PTI) (@PortTechnology) April 17, 2019
Part One was published by PTI in October 2018 and envisioned new ports taking the mantle of transshipment global giants due to new Arctic routes, AI bots managing whole terminals and increased robotization – part two will be published at CTAC.
Download Port Technology's review of 2038 A Smart Port Story Part 2 Here
Another contributor to Edition 84 is global thought leader Wolfgang Lehmacher, from the World Economic Forum.
He will speak in the fourth session of CTAC19’s in a session titled ‘Smart Operations: Blockchain & Globalization 4.0’, during which he will articulate how to integrate a smart technology-based Port Community System and how doing so can improve efficiency and customer service.
A creative and original thinker, Wolfgang Lehmacher is set to release a paper in Edition 84 of Port Technology focusing on ‘Ports as an App’… @W_Lehmacher #PTIDaily #CTAC19https://t.co/wQrxIyv5Nx
— Port Technology (PTI) (@PortTechnology) March 28, 2019
Lehmacher’s technical paper is called ‘Ports-As-An-App: Innovating Digital Architectures on Smartphone Platforms’ and in it he explores what he calls the ‘next stage’ of digitization: how to capture and make the most of platforms and smartphone applications.
It goes into detail regarding some of the leading innovations in this field, such as cloud computing and that this is becoming more niche as older ways of disrupting industries dry up.
Furthermore, Lehmacher continues, there will be clear benefits to the maritime industry if this technology is sufficiently utilized and that this will be felt throughout the supply chain.
Download Wolfgang Lehmacher's ‘Ports-As-An-App: Innovating Digital Architectures on Smartphone Platforms’ technical paper here
For more information on CTAC19, make sure you download the agenda here