CIRCLE Group in partnership with DFDS has announced the success of first pilot test of International Fast & Secure Trade Lane between the Ports of Trieste and Pendik.
The pilot saw the use of IoT (Internet of Things) technologies and eSeals with RFID electronic components with a numbered sequence which allows immediate identification of each container.
Luca Abatello, President & CEO at CIRCLE, said: “After the ones related to other International Fast & Secure Trade Lanes between the Ports of Genoa and Casablanca in Morocco and between the Ports of Genoa and Alexandria in Egypt, we are pleased to have successfully completed also this important pilot test.”
Abatello added that the main innovation introduced regards the anticipated transmission of documents to the port of destination before the ship has left.
The next stage of the project previews exploiting advanced digitalisation customs tools with the direct involvement of Italian and Turkish Customs and Monopolies Agencies.
The trial involved Samer&Co.shipping and was realised within European project FENIX (coordinated by ERTICO at European level and by the Ministry of infrastructure and transport as recipient through TTS Italia at a national level).