The riskiest part of a shipping container’s journey is before it begins, according to Peregrine Storrs-Fox, Risk Management Director, TT Club.
In a new interview with Port Technology, Storrs-Fox has discussed the risks involved in cargo transfers and explained how companies can ensure they do not fall victim to ruined goods.
Good packing and packaging are two key areas that ensure your shipment arrives intact, according to the shipping insurance expert.
Storrs-Fox said that as ocean freight is at the mercy of different forces to that of either road or rail, shippers should be wary of units causing “adjacency risk” to other goods stored in the container.
Learn more about the container weighing regulation which exercised much of the freight industry last year in 'The VGM Ruling: A Review of the Implementation' technical paper by Storrs-Fox
TT Club’s key campaign for 2017 is cargo integrity.
It will work with the Global Shippers Forum, International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA) and the World Shipping Council to look at the CTU Code — the code of practice for packing cargo transport units.
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Storrs-Fox explained: “The reason we’re doing that is that we’ve always said that weight is only a small element of much broader risks that we are seeing.
“We’re looking to develop, on a collaborative basis, a number of measures that will improve awareness and adoption of the CPU practices, breaking down what is an encyclopaedic-type approach to the specific needs of a cargo packer presented with some cargo and a cargo transport unit and marrying those up so there is an effective, safe operation through the supply chain.”