APMT Set Mega-Ship Loading Record


APMT’s Maasvlakte II container terminal has set a loading record in Rotterdam on the Madison Maersk with 17,152 TEU loaded, including ten high above deck stowage. 

Hans Van Kerkhof, Managing Director of APMT Maasvlakte II, said “This is an important milestone in our journey to help our clients achieve the vessel utilisations needed to optimise their networks and compete in the market.

“Our operations team worked hard to handle just under 1,000 containers during the 15 hour port call. The vessel sailed with a high utilisation to its next destination, Tangiers, Morocco on September 30, 2015.”

The APMT Maasvlakte II Rotterdam facility launched the world’s first container terminal to utilise remotely-controlled STS gantry cranes.

The cranes move containers between vessels and the landside fleet of 62 battery-powered lift-automated guided vehicles (Lift-AGVs), which transport containers between the quay and the container yard, including barge and on-dock rail facilities.

A fleet of 54 automated rail-mounted gantry cranes then position containers in the yard in a high-density stacking system.

The facility, constructed on land entirely reclaimed from the North Sea, has been designed as a multi-modal hub to reduce truck-traffic in favour of barge and rail connections to inland locations.

The 86 ha deep-water terminal features 1,000 meters of quay, on-dock rail, and eight fully-automated electrically-powered ship-to-shore (STS) cranes, with an annual throughput capacity of 2.7 million TEU.

At planned full build-out, the terminal will cover 180 ha and offer 2,800 metres of deep-sea quay (19.65 metres depth), with an annual throughput capacity of 6 million TEU.

(Source: Maersk Line / YouTube)

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