Grupo ICE has issued APM Terminals Moín with renewable electricity certification, thereby guaranteeing that the energy supplied by the institution to the company primarily comes from renewable sources.
In a statement, APMT Moin said it has been working toward this goal since operations began. Hartmut Goeritz, Managing Director for APM Terminals, stated, “this seal is very important for us. This marks the start of a significant alliance with Grupo ICE to work on projects that benefit of the economic, social and environmental development of the country.”
Last year the Río Blanco substation came into operation. It supplies the Moín Container Terminal (TCM) with renewable electricity through a 230-kilovolt high-voltage line. This infrastructure has two transformers – one main and one backup – of 75 megavolt amperes each.
During 2019, the company reached a remarkable renewable energy ratio of 96.16%.
This action takes part of the Country’s commitment to the environmental development and sustainability. Marco Acuña, Electricity Manager at ICE, said: “Since 2015, Costa Rica exceeds 98% renewable generation across all of the country. We are committed to the National Decarbonization Plan and environmental sustainability.”