TGI Maritime Software

Smart solutions built for small to medium maritime, river and inland terminals.


In addition to our OSCAR Terminal Operating System, we offer a whole range of intelligent solutions that allow you to streamline traffic on your terminal, quickly manage all your operations and then focus on your core business. 


5 Connected solutions for an accelerated traffic: 

  • OSCAR: State-of-the-art terminal Operating System for container terminals 


  • MARCO: Terminal ERP Software for back office including Invoicing, Cost and Profitability management, Dockers’ Time and Activity Management. 

  • TGIBOX: Hardware and software solution for all type of Container Handling Equipment : 3D positionning device which provides reliably and precisely, the position of handled containers.

  • Welcome-kiosk connected to the TOS : ensures the automatic barrier closing and closure system. Our solution guarantees a smooth and secured traffic on your terminal.

  • Secured Badge reader system : vehicle mounted device  to secure and monitor the handling equipment access and use. 

With this 5 products, our goal is to simplify your cargo operations, solve your logistics challenges and increase your productivity. 

3 additional services for a global turnkey solution: 

  • Design and implementation of your wireless network infrastructure   

In partnership with technological leaders (Luceor, Altai, Zebra, Athesi…), we provide, set up and maintain on your terminal high speed and high availabilty wireless solutions (4G, 5G, wifi…)  , aligned with your needs. 

  • Distribution and integration of hardware : servers, rugged mobile devices  

We provide, set up and operate your servers and mobile devices fleet, or any of theses tasks according to your needs. We take responsibility and commit to SLAs for tasks such as monitoring, supervision and management of your infrastructure, so that you can focus on your core business. 

  • Hosting and outsourcing of your servers 

We host all types of servers in our secured data center and provide outsourcing services with SLAs. All our solutions run on our cloud  and can be delivered using a cloud usage and invoicing model.


Contact Details

11 Rue des Arbres
+33 (0)3 28 65 81 91
Mohamed RHAYOU
Business Developer
+33 (0)3 28 65 79 96

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